Press review: our publications

Our Grü - Column

Publications in other magazines and journals

Literature (Springer Gabler)

Man pointing at work on computer screenMan pointing at work on computer screen

Publications in

Publications in

Excerpt from our recent publications

We endeavor to inform companies and employees about the topic of employee participation through editorial contributions in various specialist media. Our aim is to promote transparency, legal certainty and fairness. We are happy to respond to your questions and suggestions for topics. Please use our contact form for suggestions.

ESOP/VSOP: Why the amount of shares is not so important - and what counts instead
Article Lessen
What happens to my ESOPs if the company files for insolvency?
Article Lessen
Out of the box - Startup of the month: ESOP1 / ESOP-Direkt
Article Lessen
ESOPs & VSOPs: What happens to the shares when employees leave the company?
Article Lessen
Founders should work through this checklist before introducing a participation program
Article Lessen
Fair ESOP and VSOP rules for everyone involved: what you need to know
Article Lessen
Employee share ownership: How to avoid pitfalls and distribute shares fairly
Article Lessen
From founding to scaling: VSOPs for different start-up phases
Article Lessen
Employee participation is in vogue: how to avoid the most common mistakes
Article Lessen
ESOP employee participation for employee recruitment and retention: design options
Article Lessen
The Klarna trap: What to watch out for with employee participation
Article Lessen

Your experts for employee participation

Dr. Christopher Hahn


Kolja Czudnochowski

Founder & Consultant is a service of ESOP1 GmbH in close cooperation with the business law boutique trustberg.

Our mission is to advance the topic of employee participation in Germany and to create transparency in the process. We provide business and legal advice, draw up your customized contract and design solutions for the introduction and administration of your program.

“Als kleines Unternehmen war es für uns extrem wichtig, Fluktuation zu verhindern und Mitarbeiter langfristig zu incentivieren. Dafür ist das VSOP perfekt.”
– Michaela M.
Geschäftsführerin @ Beratung
"Dank unseres VSOPs konnten wir erste Schlüsselmitarbeiter schnell gewinnen - trotz deutlich attraktiverer Gehaltsangebote anderer Firmen."
- Dawid R.
Founder @ Tech Start-Up
“Ich kam mit der Idee eines umfangreichen Bonusprogramms, aus dem im Beratungsprozess ein effizientes aber schlankes Beteiligungsprogramm wurde.”
– Olaf G.
Geschäftsführer @ Marketing-Agentur
“Dank der wirklich unternehmerischen Rechtsberatung haben wir ein perfekt-passendes Beteiligungsprogramm für unsere Kollegen aufgesetzt.”
– Hannes T.
Partner @ Architektur-Büro

Excerpt of our publications

Financing start-ups

published: SpringerGabler

Virtual employee participation

published: SpringerGabler

Venture Capital

published: SpringerGabler

Our whitepaper

published: ESOP-direct

Our comprehensive offer for you

Specialized team of lawyers

Experienced entrepreneurs

Legally compliant, transparent, at a fixed price

Over 15 years of experience in the design of participation programs

Man pointing at work on computer screen

Avoid costly mistakes: why your contracts should be tailor-made

Whether with us or other experienced attorneys, we always recommend that you consult an attorney to structure your participation program in order to avoid mistakes and liability risks

Request advice
Sample contract from the Internet
Unser maßgeschneidertes, anwaltliches Vertragswerk
Cheap to free of charge
Von uns zum transparenten Paketpreis
Relevante Klauseln können fehlen / sind nicht bekannt
Aufklärung & Transparenz über alle potenziellen Klauseln
Error-prone, possibly outdated and not legally compliant
Fehlerfrei, zeitgemäß und rechtssicher
Risks and personal liability of the management
Assumption of liability through legal liability
Standardized and not adapted to your goals
Tailor-made for your goals and requirements
Fehlende Transparenz bzgl. Fallstricke, Risiken und Lösungen
Volle Aufklärung zu Ausgestaltungsoptionen und Risiken
Tailor-made contracts from a lawyer
From us at a transparent fixed price
Clarification & transparency about design options
Fault-free, contemporary and residual safe
Assumption of liability through legal liability
Tailor-made for your goals and requirements
Full transparency regarding your options and potential pitfalls
Sample contract from the Internet
Cheap to free of charge
Relevante Klauseln können fehlen / sind nicht bekannt
Error-prone, possibly outdated and not legally compliant
Risks and personal liability of the management
Standardized and not adapted to your goals
Fehlende Transparenz bzgl. Fallstricke, Risiken und Lösungen

Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre Erstberatung

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Sprechen Sie mit unserem Experten:

Kolja Czudnochowski

Founder & Consultant

Mit Absenden des Formulars willige ich in die Verarbeitung meiner Daten gemäß der Datenschutzerklärung ein. Diese Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit widerrufen.

Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre Erstberatung

Thank you for your inquiry, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

For urgent questions, please contact +49 30 209 677 94
You are also welcome to book an appointment for your initial consultation directly.
Alternativ - Termin buchen

Sprechen Sie mit unserem Experten:

Kolja Czudnochowski

Founder & Consultant

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